Getting started

The first step is to Sign In and select the Team Portal. You will create your login which does require an email address. Your email will only be used for account creation and in case you need to change your password. Next, you will log in and create your profile details and enter your skills. Be sure to publish your profile so that team leaders can invite you.

Can I lead a team?

Keep in mind the responsibilities of organizing the team's work and managing the relationship with the client. Having several years of experience with software helps. In addition, you will be running a small business. Previous experience there will help too. If you are interested in becoming a team leader, then check that option when filling out your profile.

Can I be on more than one team?

Yes. What a go-getter you are! Let's say your part of a project is done and you have time for the next gig. Just be careful about scheduling conflicts and don't overcommit. Be transparent with your teams about your scheduling.

How many teams will there be?

That depends on how many projects are available. The site owner wants to have a little competition, but not too much. The idea is to have 2 to 3 bids per project and hopefully no more. Timezones will also be a factor, where teams are formed in the timezone that the Project poster prefers.

More questions?

Feel free to fill out the contact form with your question.

This site is operated by Meikos Consulting LLC